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結果 1 - 6 共 6


Jameleon is an automated testing framework that can be easily used by technical and non-technical users alike. One of the main concepts behind Jameleon is to create a group of keywords or tags that represent different screens of an application. All of the logic required to automate each particular screen can be defined in Java and mapped to these keywords. The keywords can then be organized with different data sets to form test scripts without requiring an in-depth knowledge of how the application works. The test scripts are then used to automate testing and to generate manual test case documentation.

Platform:Cross Platform;         License:GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)



The Grinder is a load testing framework that makes it easy to run a distributed test using many load injector machines. Test scripts are written in Jython, and HTTP scripts can be recorded easily from a browser session.

Platform:Cross Platform;                                    License:The Grinder License



An extension to the JUnit framework that enables you to execute unit tests against code that presents a Swing GUI based interface. Recording and playbackto/from XML allows novice GUI developers to generate and execute tests.

Platform:Cross platform ;        License:GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)



JUnit是一個Java語言的單元測試 框架。它由Kent Beck和Erich Gamma建立,逐漸成為源於Kent Beck的sUnit的xUnit家族中為最成功的一個。 JUnit有它自己的JUnit擴展生態圈。



QF-Test is a professional tool for the creation, execution and management of automated system and load tests for Java and Web applications with a graphical user interface (GUI).


Test-automation for Swing, Eclipse/SWT/RCP and Web

User-friendly - short learning curve

Robust tests with reliable component recognition

Excellent value for money and high ROI

Quick and able support directly from the authors

Platform:Cross platform;                  License:unknown



T2 is a fully automatic, trace-based random testing tool, featuring in-code specifications andreflexive testing. It is also almost interactive; depending on the complexity of your class it can respond in less than a second, in which time it can inject thousands of tests!

Platform:Cross platform ;                      License:GNU General Public License v3
